On Thursday, Fitmedia worked with and challenged our Year 4, 5 and 6 children. Last year our Year 5 children, who are now in Year 6, were rated the fittest in Southwark. We are looking forward to hearing how our children do this year!
As you know, PE is an essential part of a child’s education. Not only does it highlight the importance of physical health but it teaches teamwork, leadership skills and supports mental health. It is important that children are dressed appropriately for PE.
Children need to wear their full PE kit for lessons. This allows them to fully and safely take part in the lesson. During this time of year, we recommend that children wear their outdoor PE kit: a navy blue tracksuit with a white polo t-shirt and trainers. Long hair must be tied back and no hoop earrings or other jewellery (stud earrings are acceptable.)
On your child’s PE day, we recommend they wear their full PE kit to school. Please speak with your child’s class teacher if you are uncertain about when your child takes part in PE.