School Council
Our DKH School Council Aims:
- To encourage our children to use their ‘voice’ and share their opinions and ideas with others
- To develop good relationships and respect the differences between all people.
- To develop confidence, responsibility and independence by making the best of their abilities
- To prepare them to play an active role as citizens in the wider world
- To develop their understanding on leading physically and mentally healthy lifestyles
Why is a School Council important?
The school council is an important and useful way to share ideas, raise awareness and work towards the school’s visions. By having a school council, our pupils will have the opportunity to take an active role in voicing concerns, participate in school-wide projects and use their position as Councillors to promote and model the school values of Ambition, Creativity, Empathy, Courage, Resilience and Respect.
Through School Council, our pupils will gain the experience of:
- Planning, organising and monitoring small projects
- Opportunities to learn problem-solving skills.
- Debating, mediation and listening skills
- Basic budgeting and management of finances
- Understanding how a democratic process works
Our DKH School Council Rules:
- To be respectful and listen to others
- To contribute or participate actively in meetings
- To follow the school rules and be role models to other pupils
- To model good behaviour at all times
- To be polite and courteous to others
- To not refer to specific individuals or groups during discussions
- To use their position on School Council to support and develop their school and peers and not abuse this position in any way
How it works:
- Class elections will be held in the Autumn term where pupils can express an interest to become a Councillor .
- Children wishing to be considered for the School Council will need to present to their class giving clear reasons and examples of why they are the most suitable candidate for the job.
- Two candidates will be elected from each class in Years 2 – 6 through a secret ballot.
- Once board members have been elected, the party will elect members from Year 6 to take on the roles of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Job roles, responsibilities and a contract will be kept in school council class files.