Meet the Art Ambassadors
DKH Primary School embraces creativity in all areas of our curriculum.
Art is a very much loved subject here at DKH and this is evident as soon as you enter the school grounds with artwork displayed in the playgrounds and throughout the school building. Art topics are explored all through the school year but are particularly studied during our annual Arts’ Week and Arts’ Evening in June.
Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. Our art and design curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
Once again, much of our art and design links to termly topic themes whether it be sketching then creating poppies linked to WWII, pottery linked to the Stone Age or making Viking boats to sail on the Thames. Living so close to Dulwich Picture Gallery and the many museums in London, we take every opportunity to make the most of our locality.
DKH Primary School embraces creativity in all areas of our curriculum.
It has been a very busy morning for our Year 6 children today. Within minutes of the team getting out of
We caught up with our Year 6 children who were getting to grips with some
This week was Anti-Bullying Week and each class has been exploring some
In Year 6, we’ve been working on understanding the characters in our
On Wednesday 7th November Cedar class visited this wonderful art gallery
On Friday, we celebrated Black History Month with an Art Day! We have been learning about the lives of
This week all classes from Nursery to Year 6 have been busy baking and adapting recipes during our Design
On Friday 27th September, we will be celebrating a Global Theme Day, serving delicious Spanish delights at
Next week Mrs Marie Kelly-Roberts has organised some fantastic Design and Technology activities for the
Throughout this term, children from all year groups have been creating some fantastic pieces of art based on themes and topics related to each
This morning, our Year 6 children performed their end of year show to a selection of classes prior to their main
This week we celebrated Spanish Day with lots of Spanish, art, dance and food tasting! Children from Reception to Year 6 participated in a Mexican
The whole school had a fantastic time on Thursday drawing in the playground with their adults. We saw some really creative drawing from
This week, Rowan Class have been reading Zoo By Anthony Browne. One of several books based on Anthony Browne’s childhood memories,
The Family Art Club is coming along in leaps and bounds as we start to create our first artwork displays from this very exciting club.
This week, a group of very talented year 10 pupils from Alleyns’ School visited DKH Primary and worked with Rowan Class on a design to create a
This term, Beech class have been studying Ancient Egypt as part of their History topic. They have been looking at how the Ancient Egyptians were so
Our Art lead Mrs Marie Kelly Roberts has started a brand new after school art club aimed at both parents and children called “The Family Art Club“.
In music this morning, Rowan Class were examining how to describe the feeling, mood, atmosphere of a painting by using sounds.
We have had a wonderful week of art this week at DKH Primary. This week we visited New York as we recreated the fantastic art from the book
The new Summer term has already filled our children with creativity and artistic flare as they create the most incredible Roman Villas as part of their
For History, Rowan class have been looking at Roman Britain and the Warrior Queen Boudica.
This term for English, Rowan class have been reading the much loved illustrated novel, The Ironman by Ted Hughes.
Throughout March, the children have been taking a close look at some of the many authors who have touched
On 12th March 2024, we were very fortunate to welcome Gita Ralleigh to our school. Gita is a poet, writer and doctor and she shared how her
Free music therapy sessions, to support children’s mental health are being held at Charter East Dulwich. In order to secure a place children must be enrolled by the following
It’s Panto time here at DKH Primary and the children are very excited and looking forward to their slot for Panto today. Running from 9:15am through to 3pm, it’s Panto fun all day today. See the timetable below:
Our Early Years Christmas Carol performance took place on Monday 18th December starting at 9:30am. Our wonderful children wowed us with a selection of classic Christmas Carols. They were absolutely amazing!
On Tuesday 12th December Years 3 and 4 children will be taking us on a trip to Spain to get a taste of Spanish life and culture during the festive season.
On Monday 11th December 2023 from 9:30am, Year 1 and 2 children will be offering a beautiful Nativity style performance entitled “The Bossy King”.
On Wednesday 13th December, our year 5 and 6 children performed a selection of Carols from “Wassail” by Alexander L’Estrange for parents and carers. Wassail! is a sequence of choral
Shackleton’s search for the South Pole This term, Year 4 have been looking at the perilous expedition to the Antarctica led by Ernest Shackleton in the early 1900s. In 1907, Ernest Shackleton embarked on an expedition to the South Pole aboard
What’s on this December? We are now drawing into December and our last few weeks before we break for the Christmas season so as you can imagine, we have a fun packed few weeks ahead of us with a plethora of
On Sunday 12th November, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains worldwide celebrated Diwali. In this video, our Nursery children are talking about Diwali and what they know of this festival. About Diwali: Diwali, or
We were joined by the amazing team of young educators from Alleyn’s School this week for some drama sessions with our Year four children. The team based their lesson on what the children are currently studying; in this case, The Antarctic.
As a school we are committed to fostering an environment of inclusion, understanding and appreciation for diversity. We pride ourselves in delivering a rich and diverse curriculum throughout the year.
We are excited to launch Black History Month this week. As a school we are committed to fostering an environment of inclusion, understanding and appreciation for
We are delighted to inform you that DKH Primary School has been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award! Our Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact was assessed and we’re pleased to share the feedback
In our first lesson, we experimented with making 3D structures from flat cardboard. We used rolling, folding, and slit joining to do this. We focused on trying out ideas and experimenting. We took some pictures of our learning,
On Thursday 21st September, Year 4 class will be setting off for a day at the theatre. In this case, the Unicorn Theatre where they will enjoy the magical play “The Tempest” written by William Shakespeare.
Throughout this term, children from all year groups have been creating some fantastic pieces of art based on our theme “All things Asian and Egyptian”.
Our 3rd Annual Big Draw was a fantastic way to launch Arts Week. The theme this year was FOOD and children, teachers, parents and carers all had a great time taking part.
DKH Primary School were very lucky in having local Artist Tanya Harris join us again this week for more amazing art workshops with the children. This week, Tanya worked with both Year 6
You may recall that last week Beech class and their very special visitor. Tanya Harris, local artist and art educator started creating some
Beech class had a very special visitor this week. Tanya Harris, local artist and art educator popped in to speak to the class about the amazing masks found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.
During art and design, children were tasked with designing a coin that would be a fitting piece for the Coronation of our new King, Charles III, which took place on Saturday 6th
The DKH Primary children and staff love art and being creative. We are always organising lots of exciting art projects and exhibitions for our parents and visitors to the school to
In art this term, Beech and Eucalyptus class have been looking at ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Egyptian hieroglyphs were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt,
This week, Beech Class have been looking at a fabulous illustrated book entitled “The Lost Words”, written by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris.
Today our Early Years children wowed our parents with a spectacular assembly presenting everything they have learnt this term about space!
Press Play to hear a little mood music while you browse through our gallery below… At DKH Primary School we pride ourselves on the creativity that
Year 2 have been designing and making healthy wraps as part of their DT topic ‘FOOD – a balanced diet’. We thought about our favourite foods
As part of a cross curricular activity for English and art, Beech Class have been reading the classic novel “Treasure Island” by Scottish author Robert Louis
Year 6 are taking part in a Royal Air Force Virtual STEM Day Glider Challenge this morning. Pupils will design, build and tested three gliders,
Eucalyptus Class have been learning about computer animation using some rather interesting stop motion animation software.
It’s Design Technology Week this week and amongst the many activities taking place during this exciting week of learning, the children have been learning about Bread Baking.
It’s Wednesday at DKH Primary School, which means Yoga Day! We welcome back our Yoga Instructor, Kellie Ansell who is working in partnership with the PE and School Sports
Today was day one of our 6 week Yoga programme for all children led by our Yoga Instructor, Kellie Ansell who is working in partnership with the PE and School Sports Network.
As part of their project on The Stone Age, Year 3 have been looking at the amazing and mysterious British landmark “Stonehenge”. Stonehenge is perhaps the world’s most famous
Today we were treated to three marvellous Interactive Performances by Liz from Teach it through drama. The final show of the day
Today we were treated to three marvellous Interactive Performances by Liz from Teach it through drama. The next show at 11am this morning
Today we were treated to three marvellous Interactive Performances by Liz from Teach it through drama. The shows started at 9:15 this morning
This week we had the amazing, perfumed scent of Lavendar filling our classrooms and corridors at DKH Primary as the children designed and crafted their very own Lavender sachets for our Christmas Fair.
Look out for an amazing new “Flags of the world” display, which will take pride of place in the main entrance of the school. Inspired by the work of artist Yinka Shoniba who was
This week, Year 3 and 4 classes set off on a fabulous art adventure, which took them to the Tate Modern to see the “BRAIN FOREST QUIPU” created by
It’s Anti-Bullying Week this week and to start the week off, we would ask you to take a moment to watch this fantastic video created by some of our
LET’S ROCKET: THURSDAY 3RD NOVEMBER 2022 Join us in bringing November in with a bang!! Let’s Rocket is a cracker of a meal celebrating Bonfire Night and Diwali – The Festival
Black History Month is well underway. Although our curriculum reflects diversity every month, we feel it is also important to celebrate Black History Month.
This week is full of national theme days. We are going to be very busy! October is black history month. As part of our history curriculum, children across the school will learn about key
National Poetry Day is on Thursday 6th October. Children will be reading and performing poetry within their classes on this day. The theme this year is the environment. Poems are great to share at home.
During their time in the allotment tending their crops, the Edible Rotherhithe gardening team were tasked with looking around the allotment at the other plots beyond the DKH plot to see what everybody
Year 6 delighted the audience with their brilliant musical performance of Moana. What a way to end the year! Well done Year 6. A big thank you to
The DKH Arts exhibition focused on Recycle – Reduce – Reuse and Create! Children explored items which would normally go into the recycling bin and used them to create masterpieces of art!
On Saturday 2nd July on a gloriously hot summery day, DKH Parents, Carers, Children and the local community gathered for a fantastic Summer Fayre. What an amazing day we all had. Great BBQ, great fun and
This year the theme for our Big Draw was happiness. We were delighted to see so many parents and carers join in drawing what makes them happy! We took some pictures on the day, which can be seen in the gallery below. Please click on the thumbnails
Here are some photos from our Community Celebration of the Arts Parade. The theme was reuse, reduce and recycle. Pupils made their own musical instruments from a variety of recycled materials.
It’s Art Week this week and the school has been buzzing with creativity as we relish the challenge of creating masterpieces of art from recycled materials. In this class, children have been creating three dimensional art from recycled paper.
It’s Art Week this week and as part of our “all things arty” celebrations, the children have been very busy getting creative today as they build their musical instruments out of recycled material for the Arts Celebration Parade, which will take place
Art Week beings on Monday and we can’t wait! There are many fantastic activities planned including our Arts Celebration Parade, which will take place on Tuesday 28th June, starting at 1:45. Children will play instruments they designed themselves, following our theme of Reduce –
Continuing on with our topic on “Tar Beach” and the work of Faith Ringgold, the children created some beautiful fabric quilt patches of their favourite things as described by the
This afternoon, Reception class were joined by “Imagine and Move” to take part in a fun workshop.
We have had a wonderful week of art this week at DKH Primary. This week we visited New York as we recreated the fantastic art from the book “Tar
A big well done and thank you to all the children for working so hard on their entries to the allotment sign competition.
Calling all budding artists, designers and anyone who’s excited about our upcoming brand new allotment space in Lettsom Gardens.
It’s Spanish Week this week at DKH Primary School and all of the children have been studying famous artists from a specific Spanish
This term, Year 3 children have been studying the work of American 20th Century artist Jacob Lawrence. Jacob Armstead Lawrence was an American
Eucalyptus class have been writing fantastic descriptions of settings and characters; emotive, descriptive diary entries and this week have written
We joined Year 3 in the art room today as they created some wonderful peg dolls using traditional African fabrics.
What a fantastic day of learning we had at DKH on Tuesday! The children were taught by four different teachers
Did you know 1 in 12 older people are chronically lonely? DKH have been busy making Easter cards for our local
We joined in with The Great Art Exhibition project that has been organised by renowned artist Anthony