We are delighted to inform you that DKH Primary School has been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award! Our Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact was assessed and we’re pleased to share the feedback from the assessors with you:
‘Dog Kennel Hill School has used this Artsmark journey to develop the voice and influence of pupils through your Arts Ambassadors role. Children make decisions about the annual exhibition themes, the focus of arts projects and run arts workshops for their peers. You have also developed your arts curriculum, offering increased ownership over art works to your pupils through individual sketchbooks and portfolios. You work with artists and arts organisations including Bow Arts and draw attention to the creative and cultural industries as career choices. Your arts curriculum is representative of the diversity of the setting as well as wider society. Your Arts Lead accesses external CPD through networks and arts organisations and then shares this in house. Bow Arts have provided training for all staff. As a result of this training, knowledge organisers for arts subjects and monitoring of delivery of your arts curriculum staff have a growing understanding of what quality in the arts and cultural curriculum means for them.
Congratulations on your Artsmark Gold Award!