Year 6 Alleyn’s School Computing
Over the past few weeks, Year 6 (Oak Class) have been having sessions at
Over the past few weeks, Year 6 (Oak Class) have been having sessions at
This week we have begun our Harvest Collection for Southwark Foodbank.
Gold School Games Award Achieved! A massive congratulations to Miss Sarah Butler and Mrs Galiema Amien-Cloete
On Wednesday Year 4 had a session of tennis with coaches Aaron and Angela
This week all classes from Nursery to Year 6 have been busy baking and adapting recipes during our Design
This week we held our School Council Chair elections with our 4 Year 6 representatives!
At DKH Primary School, we are always striving to offer the very best in everything that we do.
On Friday 27th September, we will be celebrating a Global Theme Day, serving delicious Spanish delights at